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For a long time you can create console sessions to your VM and BM compute instances in OCI. This is a remote KVM method like HP iLO or dell DRAC. Not relying on networking you can still connect to your instance. Traditionally to enable a remote console session, you had to setup a SSH tunnel and via that tunnel to an serial or VNC session.
You can just go to any of your Linux based instances and launch the Cloud Shell – Console Connection. After the console session is created you will get a direct login prompt to your instance.
So you now want to login to your instance… but what is the default password for the opc or ubuntu users?? Well there is none! OCI creates user accounts based on SSH key pairs not based on passwords. So while you know have easy access to the console, you still would not be able to login.
One way to solve this, is to add some cloud-init scripting that a backdoor user is created with a password. This does not modify anything about the SSH setup. Meaning connecting over SSH to you instance can still only be done using an SSH key pair. This “backdoor” is therefor only accessible using the remote console option.
When you create a new Linux instance in OCI, at the bottom click on the “Show advanced option” link. A new section will pop up where you can specify or a cloud-init file or paste a cloud-init script. Click on the Paste cloud-init script and paste the below script in this field
- default
- name: backdoor
lock_passwd: false
passwd: $6$MFhXlUHt$JG.sn2M4ReeZ.V/TDs8AWJzhA1anX0iUbE0WvfR8v/8d4eGv8v6EwhyiKO.6VixMaC8/dG.YQce01QV8w1.dZ0
The above script will create the normal default users and a new user called backdoor. This user will not have an SSH key pair, so you will NOT be able to login via SSH as this user. The user does have a password setup. This password is an linux encrypted password in the scipt. The actual password is: 1LoveOracle!!
When you now create an instance with this cloud init script, you will be able to login using this backdoor user.
12 Oct, 2021
Oracle has annouce free OCI training and Certification!!! follow the below link